Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Love and Peace Meditation

Happy Meditation Wednesday Spirit Launchers!  This week I'm introducing a meditation that is simple yet very effective.  This meditation can be done at any time of the day, anywhere and will refresh and reset your mind.  You can meet with us tonight at 8pm Eastern or 5pm Pacific time or start your day and even end your day with it.  I love practicing this meditation because just as the title suggests, it brings love and peace to your life.  No matter where you are in your life, if you sit in stillness with this meditation you will have more love and more peace come to you in an instant.

Please join us by sitting in a comfortable crossed leg position. Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing up. I love to practice this mediation with one single white tea light candle set directly in front of me.  Although our eyes will be closed, we still feel and benefit from the power of light.  Close your eyes and take long deep breaths in and out. As always I suggest reading through the meditation a few times before we meet. Let's begin.

Love and Peace Meditation
by Jennifer Fremion

Sit in a comfortable space.  Dim the lights
to where the only light that remains is the single candle before you.

Feel the silence in the room.  Breathe in the peace that accompanies 
this silence.

Focus on breathing peace and love into your heart.
With each breath you feel the calm.
With each beat of your heart you feel the love
surround you.

Repeat in your mind, "I am peace. Peace is what I seek.
I am love. Love is all I know to be."

You are cradled within this peace and love.
Sit in this space for as long as you desire.

The longer you sit the more effective the meditation.

May love and peace be with you always.


As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

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